Ice castles

Trip to the ice castles at Soldier Hollow toward Heber. Uncle Doug and cousin Lorelai were also with us.

Cousin Lorelai and Uncle Doug
Ok, but if you get stuck, you’re own your own
Sam, Jacob and Lorelai with snow-glow-rocks
James, Benjamin and Anthony – looks like the rocks used for the Jaradite barges in the Book of Mormon
Ooooh, shiny
Even Ammon was amazed
Oh, I get it, a glowing snow cone
James – I have the power!
Or does sorcerer Benjamin
Mom and Ammon with a backlit formation
Sam finds a nice wall to keep him warm
LaReita and Ammon in an ice tunnel
Benjamin, Ammon and James in front of a lighted fountain
Anthony, James and LaReita

December Activities

Jacob, Sam and Benjamin advance in Hapkido ranks (12/03)
Ward Christmas party – Dad, Mom, Jacob, Ben, James, Ammon, Anthony, Sam (12/05)
Ride on the Heber Valley Railroad – North Pole Express – Mom, Sam, Ammon, Benjamin, James, Jacob, Grandma Leavitt, Anthony, Julles, Ruxpin, Dad
Samuel, Benjamin Ammon, Julles, Ruxpin, Dad, Jacob (12/09)
Anthony and James
Sam giving his ticket, Julles, Jacob, Ruxpin, Benjamin, Ammon
Samuel, Jacob, James, Ammon, Anthony looking out the window
Dad’s birthday pizza (12/09)
Ammon and Jacob eating Star Wars breakfast cereal (12/22)
Mom and Dad take a trip to the Salt Lake City Temple

AZ trip

Thanksgiving trip to AZ to spend time with AZ Berky family and Seegmiller family (June Berky Seegmiller)

Benjamin, Lane, Ammon, James, Roger, June, David, Ryan (front), Savanah, Jacob, Samuel, Anthony (LaReita – behind the camera)
D Henry Leavitt’s gravestone in the St. George cemetery – we left a gift of oranges and a car
Jacob, Samuel and part of Benjamin – traveling in the van

Benjamin’s Arrow of Light

Benjamin earned his Arrow of Light award, the highest award given in Cub Scouting.

Ben and Cub Master Jason Lecike
Presented with a ceremonial arrow by dad (David) with mom (LaReita) looking on
Benjamin walks across the bridge from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts (and is properly carrying his arrow for safety)
Benjamin receives his Boy Scout neckerchief from his (demon) Scoutmaster