
Weeding 7/2/2022
7/3/2022 playing with puppy
7/3/2022 showing off for Grandma Grace
7/4/2022 patriotic James
7/4/2022 how much will it hold?
7/4/2022 like a clown car
7/11/2022 Sam pumping iron
7/14/2022 Sam and puppy Eliza
7/14/2022 Ammon at Flag Retirement Ceremony
7/22/2022 Spanish Fork Fiesta Days Carnival
7/24/2022 Ammon piano recital
7/23/2022 James gets a shave at a booth at the Spanish Fork Fiesta Days

Random Pictures/Videos

Mom takes Grandma Grace to a concert and she relaxes at home
May 18, Larson Elementary School Field Day – 2nd Grade Class Performance
Ben advances to the 1000 lbs club – was able to lift a combined 1000 lbs in 3 different lifts (was also member of 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 lbs clubs)
Anthony and James work out at the local gym as only they can

Ammon’s 8th Birthday Party

more pizza
and more pizza!
Brothers waiting their turn for a go at the pizza
Pizza for brothers also
Two table feast
Cake and presents
Helicopter present from James
King for the Day
King Anthony holds court
James and Ammon
Ammon on the obstacles
Sam flip
Jacob flip
Battle: Ben vs Sam
Battle: Ben vs Jacob
Battle: Ben vs James
Battle: Ben vs Anthony

Ben’s High School Graduation

The 2022 Graduates of Maple Mountain High School in Spanish Fork, UT assemble
Ben walks up to the stand
Ben on the big screen
Ben receives his diploma
Ben posing
Family picture – Jacob, LaReita, Sam, Ben, Ammon, David, Anthony, James
Strong men
Ben and younger twin, Ammon
E, Julles and Ben
Kaleigh and Ben and Ammon
Dressing up for the graduation dress rehersal